Vinyasa & Mandala

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Vinyasa Yoga

All levels, beginners to advanced practitioners. Modifications and options will be given to suit the students practice.

Vinyasa means to move with the breath, which is essentially the core of a Vinyasa yoga class. There is something very nurturing about moving with your breath and letting your body flow in new directions.

Vinyasa yoga classes are fast-paced and rhythmical, with a focus on connecting the movements with the rhythm of the breath. We work all parts of our body, which means you will build a balanced and functional strength.

Vinyasa classes are fun and energizing with a focus on transitions and movements, with less time spent in stationary poses. A Vinyasa class can be a moving meditation with the constant motion and rhythmical movement will help quiet the mind and allow you to focus inward. In this way, Vinyasa helps you quiet the mind, focus inward, connect with the body and in turn calm the nervous system and relieve stress and anxiety.

Mandala Vinyasa Yoga

All levels, beginners to advanced practitioners. Modifications and options will be given to suit the students practice.

Mandala vinyasa yoga is a fast-paced, fun and challenging style of yoga where you move in a circular pattern- a mandala- a geometric shape representing the universe. As you move 360 degrees around your mat- you move and expand in a creative and conscious way moving with the breath, opening into deep introspection.

This is a wonderfully complete practice-you’ll experience both the yin and the yang in this class. Expect to be challenged and feel balanced physically and energetically. A mandala vinyasa class can be a moving meditation as you move through passive Yin yoga at the beginning, to dynamic strong poses and inversions, and ending with Yin yoga.

The intention of the mandala vinyasa yoga practice is to honor the creative energies in nature- as you connect to the 4 elements of the universe- Air, Water, Fire, and Earth. The sequences are carefully designed to target specific muscle groups of the body, and their corresponding meridian channel, chakra, and element. Each of the 4 elements has a corresponding muscle group, Chakra, and meridian channel. See below for more information.


AIR The element of Air corresponds to the muscle group of the quads and spine to create a backbend shape, energetically activating our fourth chakra, Anahata Chakra, related to finding space in our hearts, and corresponding to the stomach and spleen meridian channels.

FIRE The element of Fire corresponds to the muscle group of the Glutes and IT band accessed through twists, energetically activating Manipura Chakra, the solar plexus, related to our inner power, and corresponding to the gallbladder meridian channel.

WATER The element of Water corresponds to the muscle group of the Groin and hips, energetically activating Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra, related to our emotions, and corresponding to the liver meridian channel.

EARTH The element of Earth corresponds to the muscle group of the Hamstrings and Spine, energetically activating Muladhara, the Root chakra, related to grounding and safety, and corresponding to the urinary bladder and kidney meridian channels.